Yoga is my life, I use the tools of yoga daily, it is my passion, it keeps me in touch with the truth, brings clarity, helps me see beyond any fears and keeps me balanced and realistic when challenges arise. I have dedicated myself to my practice and have gained total faith in its possibilities.
I found yoga while doing life over twenty years ago. I first studied Iyengar yoga, its asana, pranayama, precision, alignment and focus, I was drawn to the calming effect that it gave me.
Then I found Ashtanga yoga (well it found me) the flow, the freedom, the breathing, the ability to connect with my practice again and again. I dedicate myself to a regular practice and suddenly changes started to happen, my journey had started. My perspective on life started to shift, my health became a priority, then my allergies disappeared, asthma gone, slowly the anxiety I sometimes experienced got less and less and then to my relief finally left. I was able to notice when I was stressed, I could see my body and how it reacted to life in both positive and negative ways, seeing my emotions and watching the minds disturbances without reacting (as much). I started to build great faith in Yoga.
I had grown a great passion for Vedic Chanting and I started studying Viniyoga in Chennai, India under the guidance of Kausthub Desikachar in the lineage of T Krishnamacharya. A teacher training using all tools of yoga. I started to experiment using powerful tools, learning when to use them in this changeable world, chanting, pranayama, dhayana and yoga sutra, all used in different ways to bring balance and peace. Simple sitting and breathing eliminates stress, chanting brings me balance and clarity and flowing asana with mantra gives me focus.
Yoga is a toolbox, full of tools to help you, I am super excited to share with anyone who wishes to learn tools that can be used to bring changes to your life. Yoga is therapy.
Ayurveda is life knowledge, the sister science of yoga. I started to study with Dr Sharma who filled in all the gaps and continues to do so. It runs along side yoga and supports its therapeutic qualities. The world and my body continually changing, I needed to be able to adapt to the sudden fire that was in my body, to give my body energy or calm my mind and bring back my memory power. Ayurveda gave me this amazing knowledge.
It is with great passion I move forward on my journey to find different ways to pass on the knowledge I have been given using Yoga tools and Ayurvedic knowledge.
Yoga and Ayurveda Qualifications
Over 20 years of experiencing a regular Yoga practice
500 Hour Yoga Teaching Certificate from KHYF (2020 – 2022)
Vedic Chanting Teacher Training with Madame Menaka (2020 – 2022)
Ayuskama Ayurvedic Therapist Level One with Dr Arun Sharma (2021- 2022)
Ayuskama Ayurveda Massage and Treatments with Dr Sharma (2023)
Ayuskama Ayurvedic Therapist Level Two with Dr Arun Sharma (Currently studying)
Customer Review
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Clarissa Wolman
"Vestibulum dapibus odio at nisl consequat, in semper augue auctor. Duis risus felis, pulvinar quis tempus vitae”

Lora Spielberg
"Vestibulum dapibus odio at nisl consequat, in semper augue auctor. Duis risus felis, pulvinar quis tempus vitae”